Men’s and Women’s Ministries & Organizations

Women’s Guild

The Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women is a network of Catholic women's organizations giving a voice to all Catholic women through spirituality, leadership and service.

Primary Contact: Tanya Bolen


Alumni Association

Led by Mrs. Sandra Wilson, the Alumni Association attempts to keep in touch with anyone who ever attended St. Columbanus School.

Primary Contact: Sandra Wilson


Finance Council

Meets quarterly to discuss all financial aspects of the St. Moses the Black Parish.

Primary Contact: Rev. Matthew S. O'Donnell, Pastor


Holy Name Society

The primary purpose of the Holy Name Society is to organize the men of the Parish in prayer and service.

Primary Contact: Anthony Edgar


Knights of Peter Claver Courts #142 & #158

The Knights of Peter Claver, Incorporated, the largest and oldest continually existent predominantly African-American Catholic fraternal organization was founded more than 100 years ago.


Knights of Peter Claver Ladies Auxiliary Court #142 

In 1926, under the leadership of the KPC National Council, the Knights of Peter Claver Ladies Auxiliary was formed. The goals and objectives are to support St. Moses the Black Parish and the Archdiocese of Chicago and to participate collectively in various parish and community activities.  

Primary Contact: Vanessa Smiley


Parish Pastoral Council

The primary purpose of this ministry is to plan, coordinate, and oversee the activities of Parish.

Primary Contact: Kevin Morrissette